
Metal Grille

2510123736966 123736966 1690-513400.000.0

A metal frame enclosing a metal core which is constructed of perforated sheet metal, bars, core material, or the like. It is used to form an openwork barrier or screen to allow the passage of a maximum quantity of air and/or light, but excluding the passage of foreign objects. Excludes GUARD, FAN IMPELLER. View more Metal Grille

2510-12-373-6966 GRILLE,METAL 2510123736966 123736966

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 28 Nov 2007
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2510-12-373-6966 GRILLE,METAL 2510123736966 123736966 1/1
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1690-513400.000.0 A metal frame enclosing a metal core which is constructed of perforated sheet metal
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2510-12-373-6966 is a Metal Grille

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