
Industrial Wheeled Tractor

2420218914442 218914442

A self-propelled riding vehicle with or without attachments primarily used for material handling operations; construction operations such as towing, pushing, earth moving, and the like, and various maintenance operations depending upon the type of attachment(s) used. It is designed with a nonadjustable tread width. Excludes TRACTOR,WHEELED,WAREHOUSE; TRACTOR,WHEELED,AGRICULTURAL and TRACTOR,WHEELED,HIGH SPEED. View more Industrial Wheeled Tractor

2420-21-891-4442 TRACTOR,WHEELED,INDUSTRIAL 2420218914442 218914442

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January 2024
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2420-21-891-4442 TRACTOR,WHEELED,INDUSTRIAL 2420218914442 218914442 1/1
NSN 2420-21-891-4442 (Generic Image) 1/1

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2420-21-891-4442 Demil Restrictions 2420-21-891-4442


2420-21-891-4442 is a Industrial Wheeled Tractor

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