
Maintenance Truck

2320144905314 144905314 26500201 2650-02

A truck equipped with a body specifically designed to house and/or transport tools, equipment, and/or supplies for construction, maintenance, and/or repair of facilities, such as telephone and electric lines, refrigeration equipment, ordnance equipment, or the like. The body may be compartmented. Excludes items complete with equipment and supplies. It may include a winch(es) or a derrick. Excludes SERVICING PLATFORM, TRUCK MOUNTED and AUGER, EARTH, TRUCK MOUNTED. View more Maintenance Truck

2320-14-490-5314 TRUCK,MAINTENANCE 2320144905314 144905314

Managed by France
NSN Created on 2 Oct 1997
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July 2023
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2320-14-490-5314 TRUCK,MAINTENANCE 2320144905314 144905314 1/1
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26500201 2650-02 A truck equipped with a body specifically designed to house and/or transport tools,
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www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-23/fsc-2320 Trucks and Truck Tractors, Wheeled from France (FR) 14 Feb 2003 2320-14-490-5314
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enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5821-99-666-4524Radio Receiver5821996664524 996664524 GA-A-00-2650-02
A-00-2650-02 A receiver used for reception of radio frequency electromagnetic waves transmitted through
666-4524 United Kingdom (ZK) Approved Sources 5821-99-666-4524 Part NumberManufacturerStatusGA-A-00-2650-02

2320-14-490-5314 Demil Restrictions 2320-14-490-5314


2320-14-490-5314 is a Maintenance Truck

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France (ZF)

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