
Sedan Automobile

2310270048688 270048688 US

An automobile with a passenger compartment having full width and/or individual type front and rear sears. It may have auxiliary seat(s). Excludes AUTOMOBILE,STATION WAGON. View more Sedan Automobile

2310-27-004-8688 AUTOMOBILE,SEDAN 2310270048688 270048688

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NSN Created on 30 Dec 1996
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January 2023
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2310-27-004-8688 AUTOMOBILE,SEDAN 2310270048688 270048688 1/1
NSN 2310-27-004-8688 (Generic Image) 1/1

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US An automobile with a passenger compartment having full width and/or individual type front and rear
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Dec 2003 2310-27-011-0122 Ambulance Truck PEUGEUT J-9RNCC: 2 | RNVC: 1 | DAC: 3 18 Jun 2002 2310-27-004-8688
-025-0829 Station Wagon Automobile 2310-03998-00051RNCC: 2 | RNVC: 1 | DAC: 3 30 Dec 2004 - Contact Us
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DAC: 3 15 Nov 2003 2310-27-016-2922 Sedan Automobile ALBEA 1.6 16V HL DAB DAC: 3 18 Jun 2002 2310-27-004-8688
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2310-27-004-8688 is a Sedan Automobile

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