
Sedan Automobile

2310123049231 123049231 VWPASSATCDSTUFENHECK40KW4TUERIG 2310-12990

An automobile with a passenger compartment having full width and/or individual type front and rear sears. It may have auxiliary seat(s). Excludes AUTOMOBILE,STATION WAGON. View more Sedan Automobile

2310-12-304-9231 AUTOMOBILE,SEDAN 2310123049231 123049231

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 4 Sep 1985
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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2310-12-304-9231 AUTOMOBILE,SEDAN 2310123049231 123049231 1/1
NSN 2310-12-304-9231 (Generic Image) 1/1

2310-12-304-9231 Stock and Availability Marketplace 2310-12-304-9231

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VWPASSATCDSTUFENHECK40KW4TUERIG 2310-12990 An automobile with a passenger compartment having full width
Germany (DE) 4. 2310-12-304-9231 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
RQST NE Updated Every Day 2310-12-304-9231 RQST Updated Every Day 2310-12-304-9231 RQST NE Related Documents
JavaScript in your web browser . 2310-12-159-2464Sedan Automobile2310121592464 121592464 321000111 2310-12990
-0051Utility Truck2320127000051 127000051 54-31052910096 LKW UAZ469B FAHRSCHULE 2310-12990
0340Utility Truck2320127000340 127000340 54-31052020026 LKW-MEHRZWECK UAZ315136 2310-12990
JavaScript in your web browser . 2310-12-140-7137Sedan Automobile2310121407137 121407137 315000111 2310-12990
-0051Utility Truck2320127000051 127000051 54-31052910096 LKW UAZ469B FAHRSCHULE 2310-12990
0340Utility Truck2320127000340 127000340 54-31052020026 LKW-MEHRZWECK UAZ315136 2310-12990
Automobile 2310375187981 375187981 Automobile 2310251002045 251002045 610-9524 2310-27-023-9105 2310-12-304-9231
2310-99-908-5871 2310-16-002-8284 Automobile 2310251002048 251002048 610-9524 2310-27-023-9105 2310-12-304-9231
2310-99-908-5871 2310-16-002-8284 Automobile 2310251005303 251005303 610-9524 2310-27-023-9105 2310-12-304-9231
-2310/no 2310-25-100-2045 Sedan Automobile 2310251002045 251002045 610-9524 2310-27-023-9105 2310-12-304-9231
-2310/no 2310-25-100-2048 Sedan Automobile 2310251002048 251002048 610-9524 2310-27-023-9105 2310-12-304-9231
-2310/no 2310-25-100-5303 Sedan Automobile 2310251005303 251005303 610-9524 2310-27-023-9105 2310-12-304-9231

2310-12-304-9231 Demil Restrictions 2310-12-304-9231


2310-12-304-9231 is a Sedan Automobile

2310-12-304-9231 End Users End Users 2310-12-304-9231

Germany (ZG)

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