
Flat Top Desk

2090170471247 170471247 42154BL1-1500X600 42155BL1-1500X600

An item of furniture designed to provide a smooth horizontal surface, primarily for use in writing. It has open knee space beneath the writing surface. It may have a top drawer located above the knee space and may have drawers and/or compartments on one or both sides, arranged in vertical tiers, flanking the open space. View more Flat Top Desk

2090-17-047-1247 DESK,FLAT TOP 2090170471247 170471247

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NSN Created on 4 Apr 1975
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42154BL1-1500X600 42155BL1-1500X600 An item of furniture designed to provide a smooth horizontal surface
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23 Jun 1987 2090-17-110-1791 Pilothouse Chair 0501710RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 3 22 May 1996 2090-17-047-1247

2090-17-047-1247 Demil Restrictions 2090-17-047-1247


2090-17-047-1247 is a Flat Top Desk

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Netherlands (ZN)

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