
Ship Propulsion Shaft Sleeve

2010145571235 145571235 B001700093

A tubular part installed over the periphery of ship's main propulsion shafts which are exposed to salt water, i.e., propeller shafts intermediate shafts and stern tube shafts, in order to provide a bearing surface in way of water-lubricated stern tube and strut bearings. View more Ship Propulsion Shaft Sleeve

2010-14-557-1235 SLEEVE,PROPULSION SHAFT,SHIP 2010145571235 145571235

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2010-14-557-1235 SLEEVE,PROPULSION SHAFT,SHIP 2010145571235 145571235 1/1
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B001700093 A tubular part installed over the periphery of ship's main propulsion shafts which are
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Documents 2010-12-347-9889 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-20/fsc-2010/fr 2010-14-557-1235
Ship Propulsion Shaft Sleeve 2010145571235 2010144618024 Propulsion Shaft Sleeve 3010996607742
437-5222 2010-01-393-4624 2010-01-374-3525 2010-01-494-2701 2010-25-115-1138 2010-12-347-9889 2010-14-557-1235
2010144618024 Sleeve 3010996607742 374-3525 2010-01-494-2701 2010-25-115-1138 2010-12-347-9889 2010-14-557-1235
14-557-1236 Sleeve 2010008559581 374-3525 2010-01-494-2701 2010-25-115-1138 2010-12-347-9889 2010-14-557-1235
14-557-1236 Sleeve 2010007611182 374-3525 2010-01-494-2701 2010-25-115-1138 2010-12-347-9889 2010-14-557-1235
Propulsion Shaft Sleeve 3010996607742 374-3525 2010-01-494-2701 2010-25-115-1138 2010-12-347-9889 2010-14-557-1235
Propulsion Shaft Sleeve 2010008559581 374-3525 2010-01-494-2701 2010-25-115-1138 2010-12-347-9889 2010-14-557-1235
Propulsion Shaft Sleeve 2010007611182 374-3525 2010-01-494-2701 2010-25-115-1138 2010-12-347-9889 2010-14-557-1235
437-5222 2010-01-393-4624 2010-01-374-3525 2010-01-494-2701 2010-25-115-1138 2010-12-347-9889 2010-14-557-1235

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