
Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Cover

1680994402606 994402606 P8513 5CW11944

A cover of various shapes, sizes and materials, specifically designed to fit over the opening(s) of mechanical connections such as drive lines, air and fluid ducts and the like, of various equipments to provide mechanical protection and/or prevent the entrance of foreign matter during shipping, storage or maintenance.The cover is not an integral part of the equipment when the equipment is installed in the end item.It is designed to be attached by means of bolt holes, slots, mounting ears, tabs and the like.See also CAP (1), PROTECTIVE, DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL.Excludes COVER, ACCESS. View more Dust And Moisture Seal Protective Cover

1680-99-440-2606 COVER,PROTECTIVE,DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL 1680994402606 994402606

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