
Flexible Shaft Assembly Core

1680145595055 145595055 S214A90T1000 55CF-10202 TYPE55CF10202

A specific length of SHAFTING, FLEXIBLE with squared end(s) and/or crimped on tip(s) with or without fittings attached, designed so as to function inside the pliable protective casing of a SHAFT ASSEMBLY, FLEXIBLE. View more Flexible Shaft Assembly Core

1680-14-559-5055 CORE,FLEXIBLE SHAFT ASSEMBLY 1680145595055 145595055

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NSN Created on 20 Jan 2009
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1680-14-559-5055 CORE,FLEXIBLE SHAFT ASSEMBLY 1680145595055 145595055 1/1
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1680-14-559-5055 is a Flexible Shaft Assembly Core

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