
Helicopter Hoisting Personnel Safety Harness

1680145356054 145356054 216404-0

An adjustable arrangement of straps and hardware attached to a reinforced canvas frame, designed for use by personnel engaged in hoisting from helicopter in flight. It protects the wearer from falling out from the aircraft. It may be equipped with a LIFEBOAT, INFLATABLE. Excludes HARNESS, PERSONNEL, CARGO HANDLING and HARNESS SET, AIRCRAFT SAFETY. View more Helicopter Hoisting Personnel Safety Harness

1680-14-535-6054 HARNESS,SAFETY,PERSONNEL,HOISTING,HELICOPTER 1680145356054 145356054

Managed by France
NSN Created on 10 Jun 2003
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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1680-14-535-6054 HARNESS,SAFETY,PERSONNEL,HOISTING,HELICOPTER 1680145356054 145356054 1/1
NSN 1680-14-535-6054 (Generic Image) 1/1

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1680-14-535-6054 is a Helicopter Hoisting Personnel Safety Harness

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France (ZF)

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