
Troop Back Personnel Parachute

1670145508401 145508401 606450-2

A man-carrying parachute attached to the person, the pack being placed at the wearer's back. It has a static line and/or a rip cord and may be used for premeditated jumps in which the opening of the pack and canopy is controlled in the aircraft or it may be opened at will after the jump. It has provisions for the attachment of a PARACHUTE, RESERVE, PERSONNEL, TROOP CHEST. View more Troop Back Personnel Parachute

1670-14-550-8401 PARACHUTE,PERSONNEL,TROOP BACK 1670145508401 145508401

Managed by France
NSN Created on 20 Jul 2006
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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1670-14-550-8401 PARACHUTE,PERSONNEL,TROOP BACK 1670145508401 145508401 1/1
NSN 1670-14-550-8401 (Generic Image) 1/1

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1670-14-550-8401 is a Troop Back Personnel Parachute

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France (ZF)

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