
Aircraft Thermal Insulation Pipe Covering

1660998005511 998005511 EB6-75-413A 26FZ27093

An item composed of one or more materials, molded, compressed, and/or baked into a rigid covering of irregular shapes and sizes. It is designed to cover air ducts and/or air duct fittings used in air conditioning, heating, cooling, pressurizing, de-icing systems and in hydraulic systems to restrict the dissipation of heat. It may completely or partially encase the item for which designed. It may be furnished with or without fillers, cement, and/or separate or attached accessories for installation, (excluding flexible air duct covering and rigid pipe and pipe fitting coverings used in construction and building materials). Excludes INSULATION BLANKET,THERMAL,AIRCRAFT; INSULATION PIPE FITTING COVERING,THERMAL; and INSULATION SLEEVING,THERMAL. View more Aircraft Thermal Insulation Pipe Covering

1660-99-800-5511 INSULATION PIPE COVERING,THERMAL,AIRCRAFT 1660998005511 998005511

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