
Oxygen Mask

1660143724544 143724544 5086C 85-800-9213

A device consisting of a facepiece which partially covers the face, having a breathing tube and a coupling for connecting to a regulated supply of oxygen. The device may be of the rebreathing type or of the demand type and may be used for rescue operation or to supply the wearer with oxygen when flying at high altitudes. It may include regulating device(s) but does not include oxygen cylinder(s). Excludes MASK, ORONASAL. View more Oxygen Mask

1660-14-372-4544 MASK,OXYGEN 1660143724544 143724544

Managed by France
NSN Created on 1 Sep 1981
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July 2023
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1660-14-372-4544 MASK,OXYGEN 1660143724544 143724544 1/1
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