Aircraft Wheel and Brake Systems - Belgium (BE)

Federal Supply Class (FSC): 1630

NATO Supply Classification Class (NSC): 1630

Federal Supply Group (FSG): 16 Aerospace Craft Components and Accessories

NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG): 16 Aerospace Craft Components and Accessories

Items Managed by Belgium (BE) - NCB is 13

NSN Format for Aircraft Wheel and Brake Systems
Codified by Belgium

Federal Supply Class

NATO Supply Class 1630 is a classification within NATO Supply Group 16, which is dedicated to Aerospace Craft Components And Accessories.

Specifically, NATO Supply Class 1630 focuses on Aircraft Wheel And Brake Systems. This class includes various components and systems that are essential for the proper functioning of aircraft wheels and brakes.

Some examples of items that fall under this classification include aircraft wheels, brake assemblies, brake discs, brake pads, brake calipers, brake control systems, and other related components.

These systems and components are crucial for the safe and efficient operation of aircraft. They ensure proper braking and control during landing, takeoff, and taxiing.

NATO Supply Class 1630 is important for military organizations and other entities involved in the aerospace industry as it provides a standardized classification system for the procurement and management of aircraft wheel and brake systems.

FSC 1630 Aircraft Wheel and Brake Systems - Belgium (BE)
FSC 1630 Aircraft Wheel and Brake Systems - Belgium (BE)

Includes Skis; Floats; Tracks; Landing Wheel Skid Detectors; Valves specifically designed for use with hydraulic or pneumatic wheel and brake systems; Helicopter Rotor Brake System Components.

Excludes Landing Gear Axles (FSC 1620).

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 1630 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 1630

What is Federal Supply Class 1630?
FSC 1630 is the Federal Supply Class (formally known as NATO Supply Classification Class NSC 1630) in the USA for supply items codified in the category of Aircraft Wheel and Brake Systems.
What is NATO Supply Classification Class 1630?
NSC 1630 is the NATO Supply Classification Class (also known as Federal Supply Class FSC 1630 in the USA) for supply items codified in the category of Aircraft Wheel and Brake Systems.
Which Federal Supply Group is FSC 1630 in?
FSC 1630 is in Federal Supply Group (FSG) 16 which contains Aerospace Craft Components and Accessories.
Which NATO Supply Classification Group is NSC 1630 in?
NSC 1630 is in NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG) 16 which contains Aerospace Craft Components and Accessories.

Stock Items From Supply Class 1630 Stock Items From Supply Class 1630 Page 1 of 1

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