Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket
1615016679116 016679116 369H6457-21
Managed by United States
NSN Created on 3 Nov 2017
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January 2023
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Marketplace 1615-01-667-9116
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1615-01-667-9116 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket
Count 1 NATO Data Quality NSN 1615-01-667-9116 (Generic Image) 1/1 1.
United States (US) 4. 1615-01-667-9116 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
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United States (US) 4. 1615-01-667-9116 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
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1615-27-001-7338 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket
fsc-1730/dk 1730-22-307-9611 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket 657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
fsc-1615/us 1615-01-370-1371 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket 657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
fsc-1615/uk 1615-99-250-1578 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket 657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
fsc-1615/us 1615-01-370-1371 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket 657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
fsc-1615/uk 1615-99-250-1578 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket 657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
1615-27-053-2932 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket
1615-01-667-8580 1615-01-589-8031 1615-27-053-2932 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-16/fsc-1615/us 1615-01-667-9116
414-9311 1615-01-667-8580 1615-01-589-8031 1615-27-053-2932 1615-01-657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
414-9311 1615-01-667-8580 1615-01-589-8031 1615-27-053-2932 1615-01-657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
1615-15-003-1621 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket
27-001-7338 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket Weldment Bracket 657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
1615-01-667-9076 1615-27-053-2796 1615-15-003-1621 Weldment Bracket 657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
1615-01-667-9076 1615-27-053-2796 1615-15-003-1621 Weldment Bracket 657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
1615-01-667-9076 1615-27-053-2796 1615-15-003-1621 Weldment Bracket 657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
1615-01-667-9076 1615-27-053-2796 1615-15-003-1621 Weldment Bracket 657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
1615-27-053-2796 Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket
Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket 589-8031 1615-27-053-2932 1615-01-657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket 589-8031 1615-27-053-2932 1615-01-657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket 589-8031 1615-27-053-2932 1615-01-657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket 589-8031 1615-27-053-2932 1615-01-657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket 589-8031 1615-27-053-2932 1615-01-657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116
Restrictions 1615-01-667-9116
1615-01-667-9116 is a Helicopter Rotor Tail Weldment Bracket that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. This item has been confirmed as a Critical Munitions List Item or a Sensitive Commerce Control List Item and cannot be in the possession of any party anywhere in the World who is not an authorized NATO Government. Any other possessor of this item should mutilate it now as possession violates international and local laws. This item is a confirmed Commerce Control List Item (CCLI). This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.
Import and Export 1615-01-667-9116
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Approved Sources 1615-01-667-9116
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- 369H6457-21
- Manufacturer
- 1KVX4 - Md Helicopters Inc (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 1615-01-667-9116
1615-14-518-7443 1615-01-667-9087 1615-01-667-9081 1615-01-170-1198 1615-01-414-9311 1615-01-667-8580 1615-01-589-8031 1615-27-053-2932 1615-01-657-6267 1615-01-667-9085 1615-01-667-9116 1615-01-667-9076 1615-27-053-2796 1615-15-003-1621 1615-27-001-7338 1615-14-539-3160 1615-22-608-3565 1615-15-207-0819