Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast
1615123517358 123517358 VG95211-ML-123517358 1120-80153
An item of various shapes and designs. It may be a apermanent or temporary weight installed on a rotary wing aircraft for the purpose of bringing the center of gravity into the desired range for specific flight conditions. It may include mounting provisions such as holes or slots to facilitate installation. Includes items primarily designed to overcome dynamic unbalance of a rotating part or assembly. View more Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast
Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 16 Aug 2000
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January 2023
January 2023
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Marketplace 1615-12-351-7358
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VG95211-ML-123517358 1120-80153 An item of various shapes and designs.
RQST NE Updated Every Day 1615-12-351-7358 RQST Updated Every Day 1615-12-351-7358 RQST NE Related Documents
Restrictions 1615-12-351-7358 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC
RQST NE Updated Every Day 1615-12-351-7358 RQST Updated Every Day 1615-12-351-7358 RQST NE Related Documents
Restrictions 1615-12-351-7358 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC
Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615017086177 205-7714 1615-12-354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615016659211 205-7714 1615-12-354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615017086187 205-7714 1615-12-354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615016659211 205-7714 1615-12-354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615017086187 205-7714 1615-12-354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
1615/fr 1615-14-541-6906 Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615145416906 708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
1615/us 1615-01-708-6177 Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615017086177 708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
1615/us 1615-01-665-9211 Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615016659211 708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
1615/us 1615-01-708-6177 Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615017086177 708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
1615/us 1615-01-665-9211 Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615016659211 708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
541-6906 Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615145416906 354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
708-6177 Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615017086177 354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
665-9211 Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615016659211 354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
708-6177 Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615017086177 354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
665-9211 Rotary Wing Aircraft Ballast 1615016659211 354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
495-6390 1615-14-541-6905 1615-98-205-7714 1615-12-354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358
Restrictions 1615-12-351-7358
End Users 1615-12-351-7358
- Germany (ZG)
Approved Sources 1615-12-351-7358
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- VG95211-ML-123517358
- Manufacturer
- D3030 - Wehrtechnische Dienststelle Fur (Active)
- Definitive Standard
- Definitive Standard
- 1120-80153
- C0417 - Airbus Helicopters Deutschland Gmbh (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
- 1120-80153
- C0418 - Airbus Helicopters Deutschland Gmbh (Active)
- Secondary Buy
- Secondary Buy
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 1615-12-351-7358
1615-98-207-6876 1615-12-354-8715 1615-66-161-0531 1615-01-708-6189 1615-01-708-6168 1615-01-665-9211 1615-01-480-5053 1615-01-495-6390 1615-14-541-6905 1615-98-205-7714 1615-12-354-8713 1615-01-708-6165 1615-98-205-7713 1615-12-351-7358 1615-01-708-6187 1615-14-541-6904 1615-12-354-8712 1615-12-354-8711