
Aircraft Hinge

1560996292294 996292294 WG1310-9030-041

An item attached to the aircraft structure, flight controls, and the like to permit a rotating, pivoting motion between two or more parts. Includes provisions for a pin or pins, bushings, bearings, and the like in which pivoting motion occurs. See also HINGE (1), DOOR, AIRCRAFT. View more Aircraft Hinge

1560-99-629-2294 HINGE,AIRCRAFT 1560996292294 996292294

Managed by United Kingdom
NSN Created on 25 Apr 1991
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January 2023
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1560-99-629-2294 HINGE,AIRCRAFT 1560996292294 996292294 1/1
NSN 1560-99-629-2294 (Generic Image) 1/1

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