
Guided Missile Launcher Bulkhead

1440145347547 145347547 47176206

A major upright partition that divides, supports and gives shape to the fuselage of a guided missile launcher. It serves to add structural rigidity and provides a pressure tight aerodynamic shape for flight. The item may consist of more than one piece to form an assembly. Excludes SUPPORT, STRUCTURAL COMPONENT, GUIDED MISSILE and STRUCTURAL COMPONENT, GUIDED MISSILE LAUNCHER. View more Guided Missile Launcher Bulkhead

1440-14-534-7547 BULKHEAD,GUIDED MISSILE LAUNCHER 1440145347547 145347547

Managed by France
NSN Created on 2 Apr 2003
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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1440-14-534-7547 BULKHEAD,GUIDED MISSILE LAUNCHER 1440145347547 145347547 1/1
NSN 1440-14-534-7547 (Generic Image) 1/1

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France (ZF)

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