
Guided Missile Launcher Tube

1440145062843 145062843 8010653G00

A tubular shaped item which is a component of a LAUNCHER,TUBULAR,GUIDED MISSLE. It does not include sighting devices, firing devices, mount, remote control equipment, and the like. It is designed to accommodate a guided missile for launching. When the item is designed for training, it may not accommodate a guided missile. Excludes BARREL (as modified); CANNON (as modified); and TUBE,CANNON. View more Guided Missile Launcher Tube

1440-14-506-2843 TUBE,GUIDED MISSILE LAUNCHER 1440145062843 145062843

Managed by France
NSN Created on 21 Apr 1998
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January 2023
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1440-14-506-2843 TUBE,GUIDED MISSILE LAUNCHER 1440145062843 145062843 1/1
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France (ZF)

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