Guided Missile Remote Control Systems - Germany (DE)

Federal Supply Class (FSC): 1430

NATO Supply Classification Class (NSC): 1430

Federal Supply Group (FSG): 14 Guided Missiles

NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG): 14 Guided Missiles

Items Managed by Germany (DE) - NCB is 12

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NSN Format for Guided Missile Remote Control Systems
Codified by Germany

Federal Supply Class

NATO Supply Class 1430 refers to Guided Missile Remote Control Systems, which are a specific type of equipment used in the field of guided missiles. This class is categorized under NATO Supply Group 14, which is dedicated to Guided Missiles.

Guided Missile Remote Control Systems are essential components of guided missile systems. They are responsible for remotely controlling and guiding the missile during its flight, ensuring accuracy and precision in hitting the intended target. These systems typically include various components such as control panels, guidance systems, communication devices, and other related equipment.

The purpose of NATO Supply Class 1430 is to provide a standardized classification system for these remote control systems, making it easier for NATO member countries to identify, procure, and maintain the necessary equipment for their guided missile programs. This classification system helps ensure interoperability and compatibility among different NATO member nations.

By categorizing Guided Missile Remote Control Systems under NATO Supply Class 1430, it becomes easier for military organizations and procurement agencies to manage and track these specific types of equipment. It also facilitates communication and collaboration between different NATO member countries in terms of sharing information, conducting joint exercises, and coordinating their guided missile capabilities.

Overall, NATO Supply Class 1430 plays a crucial role in the efficient management and procurement of Guided Missile Remote Control Systems within NATO member countries, contributing to the overall effectiveness and readiness of their guided missile programs.

FSC 1430 Guided Missile Remote Control Systems - Germany (DE)
FSC 1430 Guided Missile Remote Control Systems - Germany (DE)

Includes Specially Designed Components of Guided Missile Remote Control Systems.

Excludes Guided Missile Internal (Built-in) Control Systems; Components used in both guided missiles and other than guided missiles (including fire control components).

Note-This group includes missiles (with or without warheads or explosive components) incorporating mechanisms capable of altering normal flight paths. Radar and infrared assemblies and components designed specifically for use with guided missiles are classified in the appropriate classes of this group. This group also includes guided bombs that have been converted to guided missiles by addition of a means of propulsion. Excluded from this group are case sections, nose cones, flare sections, center sections, warheads, explosive components, rockets, and auxiliary components of missiles and reentry vehicles which are designed or constructed for exclusive use with or for housing of nuclear warheads and/or warhead sections. Also excluded are space vehicle nose cones and space capsules specifically designed to carry loads peculiar to space research and space travel.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 1430 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 1430

What is Federal Supply Class 1430?
FSC 1430 is the Federal Supply Class (formally known as NATO Supply Classification Class NSC 1430) in the USA for supply items codified in the category of Guided Missile Remote Control Systems.
What is NATO Supply Classification Class 1430?
NSC 1430 is the NATO Supply Classification Class (also known as Federal Supply Class FSC 1430 in the USA) for supply items codified in the category of Guided Missile Remote Control Systems.
Which Federal Supply Group is FSC 1430 in?
FSC 1430 is in Federal Supply Group (FSG) 14 which contains Guided Missiles.
Which NATO Supply Classification Group is NSC 1430 in?
NSC 1430 is in NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG) 14 which contains Guided Missiles.

Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 1430 Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 1430

What is an Electrical Special Purpose Cable Assembly? 38 Items
An Electrical Special Purpose Cable Assembly (CABLE ASSEMBLY,SPECIAL PURPOSE,ELECTRICAL) is a definite continuous length of CABLE, SPECIAL PURPOSE, ELECTRICAL, having one or more ends processed or terminated in fittings which provide for connection to other items. Excludes items having branches or forks. Excludes LEAD, TEST and CABLE AND CONDUIT ASSEMBLY, ELECTRICAL.
What is an Indicator Panel? 12 Items
An Indicator Panel (PANEL,INDICATOR) is a panel designed for indicating purposes only. It does not distribute power nor control the equipment with which it is used. See also PANEL, POWER DISTRIBUTION; SWITCHBOARD, POWER and INDICATOR ASSEMBLY.
What is a Guided Missile Computer Group? 13 Items
A Guided Missile Computer Group (COMPUTER GROUP,GUIDED MISSILE) is a collection of items, specifically designed to compute intelligence data received from a guided missile for azimuth, elevation, range correction and motor shutoff commands. Contains a test system and signal simulator for testing the computing units.
What is a Computer Subassembly? 69 Items
A Computer Subassembly is two or more different types of items, having a common mounting or mounted on each other which together form a portion of a computer, but which in itself is not a complete functioning item and cannot be assigned a more definite item name.
What is a Data Entry Keyboard? 13 Items
A Data Entry Keyboard (KEYBOARD,DATA ENTRY) is a device for data input by key depression which causes the generation of the selected character, numeral or the like.
What is an Electrical-Electronic Equipment Control Panel? 16 Items
An Electrical-Electronic Equipment Control Panel (PANEL,CONTROL,ELECTRICAL-ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT) is a panel, upon which are mounted such items as indicator lights, meters, relays, switches and the like, which is specifically designed for the purpose of controlling the operation of electrical and electronic equipment. See also PANEL, TEST, ELECTRICAL.
What is a Guided Missiles Modification Kit? 34 Items
A Guided Missiles Modification Kit (MODIFICATION KIT,GUIDED MISSILES) is an item or items employed individually or conjunctively to modify guided missiles.
What is a Guided Missile Systems Operations Station Installation Kit? 21 Items
A Guided Missile Systems Operations Station Installation Kit (INSTALLATION KIT,OPERATIONS STATION,GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEMS) is a group of items such as guided missile parts accessories, hardware, electrical items or the like used to install an OPERATIONS STATION, GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEMS. See also PARTS KIT(as modified).

Stock Items From Supply Class 1430 Stock Items From Supply Class 1430 Page 2 of 6