
Guided Missile Systems Operations Station

1430123103544 123103544 54.1035.900.00 1430-01346

A collection of items specifically designed to provide operational control of heterogenous guided missile firing organizations. It is designed to monitor tactical situations and direct and coordinate firing operations of all intercept-aerial missile systems within a given defense area. It includes video display facilities, situation displays, data link and voice communications facilities, and the like. Excludes OPERATIONS CENTRAL. View more Guided Missile Systems Operations Station

1430-12-310-3544 OPERATIONS STATION,GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEMS 1430123103544 123103544

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 13 May 1987
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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1430-12-310-3544 OPERATIONS STATION,GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEMS 1430123103544 123103544 1/1
NSN 1430-12-310-3544 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Germany (ZG)

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