
Guided Missile Structural Component Support

1420580005106 580005106 8842586024 10327330

A device of various shapes to be attached to the structure of a guided missile. It is designed to mount and/or support a structural member, or a group of structural members in a proper position and to bear the stress imposed by the members being supported. It may have mounting provisions, such as slots, holes and/or attachments to facilitate installation. Excludes items which are primarily designed tfor dampening shock and/or vibration. Excludes BRACKET (as modified). View more Guided Missile Structural Component Support

1420-58-000-5106 SUPPORT,STRUCTURAL COMPONENT,GUIDED MISSILE 1420580005106 580005106

Managed by Finland
NSN Created on 2 Nov 2011
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January 2023
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1420-58-000-5106 SUPPORT,STRUCTURAL COMPONENT,GUIDED MISSILE 1420580005106 580005106 1/1
NSN 1420-58-000-5106 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Finland (WF)

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