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Training Impulse Cartridge

1377010575313 010575313 ARD800-1 1377-ME78

1377-01-057-5313 CARTRIDGE,IMPULSE,TRAINING 1377010575313 010575313

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 14 Mar 1978
Data Last Changed
January 2023
NATO Update Count
NATO Data Quality
1377-01-057-5313 CARTRIDGE,IMPULSE,TRAINING 1377010575313 010575313 1/1
NSN 1377-01-057-5313 (Generic Image) 1/1

1377-01-057-5313 Stock and Availability Marketplace 1377-01-057-5313

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1377-01-057-5313 Related Documents Related Documents 1377-01-057-5313 5+ Documents (More...)

ARD800-1 1377-ME78 Managed by United States NSN Created on 14 Mar 1978 Data Last Changed January 2023
NATO Update Count 17 NATO Data Quality NSN 1377-01-057-5313 (Generic Image) 1/1 1.
United States (US) 4. 1377-01-057-5313 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
1377-12-194-5685 1377-12-352-7873 495-5408 Cartridge 1377001937928 451-9797 1377-01-251-2550 1377-01-057-5313
Training Impulse Cartridge 1377010575313 1377-01-057-5313 194-5685 1377-12-352-7873 Cartridge 1377004515433
1377-12-194-5685 1377-12-352-7873 https// /fsg-13/fsc-1377/us 1377-01-057-5313
day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 1377-00-451-5434Training Impulse Cartridge1377004515434 004515434 ARD800-1
1377-ME78 Managed by United States NSN Created on 17 May 1971 Data Last Changed January 2023 NATO
NumberManufacturerStatusARD800-1 80236 - Olin Corporation (Replaced) Original Design RNCC 3 RNVC 9 DAC 5 1377-ME78
Documents 1377-01-251-2550 5+ Documents ( More... ) https// /fsg-13/fsc-1377/us 1377-01-057-5313
Training Impulse Cartridge 1377010575313 1377-01-057-5313 194-5685 1377-12-352-7873 1377-00-495
-5408 Cartridge 1377001968987 451-9797 1377-01-251-2550 1377-01-057-5313 451-5435 Training Impulse Cartridge
1377-12-194-5685 193-7928 Training Impulse Cartridge 1377001937928 451-9797 1377-01-251-2550 1377-01-057-5313
1377-12-194-5685 196-8987 Training Impulse Cartridge 1377001968987 451-9797 1377-01-251-2550 1377-01-057-5313
1377-12-194-5685 352-7873 1377-00-495-5408 Cartridge 1377001968987 451-9797 1377-01-251-2550 1377-01-057-5313

1377-01-057-5313 Demil Restrictions 1377-01-057-5313


1377-01-057-5313 is a Training Impulse Cartridge that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is a US Munitions List or Commerce Control List Item which must be destroyed to prevent restoration or repair. Only authorized parties may possess this item. This item is not suspected to be hazardous. The precious metals content of this item is unknown.

1377-01-057-5313 HTS and ScheduleB Import and Export 1377-01-057-5313

1377-01-057-5313 End Users End Users 1377-01-057-5313

US Air Force (FUU5)
Effective Date:
1 Apr 1991
MOE Rule:
Effective Date:
1 Feb 2006
Germany (ZG01)
Effective Date:
1 Apr 1991

1377-01-057-5313 Manufacturers Approved Sources 1377-01-057-5313

1377-01-057-5313 Technical Data Datasheet 1377-01-057-5313

Dod Ammunition Code [DDAC]
Package Nominal Overall Length And Type [CTJT]
8.25 Inches Shipping Container
Package Nominal Overall Width And Type [CTKG]
8.25 Inches Shipping Container
Package Nominal Overall Height And Type [CTHR]
14.50 Inches Shipping Container
Gross Weight [GRWT]
2.0 Shipping Container Pounds
Quantity Per Shipping Container [QTSC]

1377-01-057-5313 Management Data Management Data 1377-01-057-5313

Effective Date
Unit of Issue
Unit Price
Qty Unit Pack
Jul 2018
Department of the Air Force (DF)

Air Force Air Force

57X3080 - Munitions and Associated Equipment
Price Validation Code:
The current standard price in Catalog Management Data (CMD) has not analyzed or coded for LP/LM.
The price has not been analyzed or reviewed for accuracy.
ZOP or Standard price challenges are permissible but must be supported with adequate justification. However, if coded for Local Purchase (LP) or Fabrication/Manufacture as indicated with an (LM) Acquisition Advice Code of “L” or “F”, then it must be evaluated locally where purchased or fabricated.
Expendable. Condemn at User. Stock Fund (except Munitions).

1377-01-057-5313 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 1377-01-057-5313

1377-01-057-5313 Freight Data Freight Information 1377-01-057-5313

1377-01-057-5313 has freight characteristics.It has a National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) of 014120. A Sub NMFC of X. It has a NMFC Description of CARTRIDGE KITS PRACTICE DRILL. 1377-01-057-5313 is rated as class 85 when transported by Less-Than Truckload (LTL) freight. 1377-01-057-5313 is rated as class 85 when transported by Less-Than Carload (LCL) rail or ocean freight. It has a Uniform Freight Classification (UFC) number of 06110 which rates the freight between FCL and LCL. 1377-01-057-5313 has a variance between NMFC and UFC when transported by rail and the description should be consulted. It has a Water Commodity Code (WCC) of 686 for ocean manifesting and military sealift. 1377-01-057-5313 is not classified as a special type of cargo when transported by water. 1377-01-057-5313 is not a consolidation and does not exceed 84" in any dimension. It should be compatible with a standard 72" Aircraft Cargo Door when transported by air.

1377-01-057-5313 Packaging Data Packaging Data 1377-01-057-5313

Responsible Activity
Packaging Data Source
Primary Inventory Control Activity (PICA)
Packaging Data does not meet current MIL-STD-2073-1E

Item Pack Level (Unpackaged)

Item Size
Item Weight
Weight/Dimensions Category
Item Preservation
1.1" H x 1.1" W x 1.9" L

Unit Pack Level (Packaged)

Quantity per Pack
Unit Size
Unit Weight
Unit Cube
Preservation Method
8.4" H x 8.4" W x 14.8" L
Any Suitable Process
Preservation Material
Wrapping Material
Cushioning Thickness
Special Marking
No Requirement
Special Requirements – see Specific Instructions or Drawings provided
Special Requirements. See Specific Instructions or Drawings Provided
Special Requirements. See Specific Instructions or Drawings Provided
Special requirement – See specific instructions or drawings provided
Special requirements

Intermediate Pack Level

Quantity of Unit Packs
No Requirement