
Blasting Cap

1375171173455 171173455 1375-17-M452 1375-17-110-9350

A small, metallic tube closed at one end and filled with high explosives used to detonate demolition and explosive charges/items. Non-electric blasting caps can be initiated and/or assembled with FUSE,BLASTING,TIME, shock tube, or CORD,DETONATING. Electric blasting caps have wires and are initiated from an electrical current, provided from sources such as a BLASTING MACHINE. They may come with devices to simplify use with other items, such as a HOLDER,BLASTING CAP or a demolition bar. View more Blasting Cap

1375-17-117-3455 CAP,BLASTING 1375171173455 171173455

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NSN Created on 19 Jan 2005
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January 2023
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1375-17-117-3455 CAP,BLASTING 1375171173455 171173455 1/1
NSN 1375-17-117-3455 (Generic Image) 1/1

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