
Shock Tube Adapter

1375200062068 200062068 STIL

A device designed to secure the shock tube to the ignitor for ignition of shock tube blasting caps. It includes a special primer and has a length of shock tube and splicing tube attached. View more Shock Tube Adapter

1375-20-006-2068 ADAPTER,SHOCK TUBE 1375200062068 200062068

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NSN Created on 29 Mar 2011
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1375-20-006-2068 ADAPTER,SHOCK TUBE 1375200062068 200062068 1/1
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STIL A device designed to secure the shock tube to the ignitor for ignition of shock tube blasting caps
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RQST NE Updated Every Day 1375-20-006-2068 RQST Updated Every Day 1375-20-006-2068 RQST NE Related Documents
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www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-13/fsc-1375/no 1375-25-151-5636 Shock Tube Adapter 1375251515636 251515636 579-7664 1375-20-006-2068
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-13/fsc-1375/sk 1375-40-000-7060 Shock Tube Adapter 1375400007060 400007060 579-7664 1375-20-006-2068
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-13/fsc-1375/no 1375-25-151-4695 Shock Tube Adapter 1375251514695 251514695 579-7664 1375-20-006-2068

1375-20-006-2068 Demil Restrictions 1375-20-006-2068


1375-20-006-2068 is a Shock Tube Adapter

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