Guided Missile Warheads and Explosive Components - United States (US)

Federal Supply Class (FSC): 1336

NATO Supply Classification Class (NSC): 1336

Federal Supply Group (FSG): 13 Ammunition and Explosives

NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG): 13 Ammunition and Explosives

Items Managed by United States (US) - NCB is 00 to 09

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NSN Format for Guided Missile Warheads and Explosive Components
Codified by United States

Federal Supply Class

NATO Supply Class 1336 is a classification within NATO Supply Group 13, which is dedicated to Ammunition And Explosives. Specifically, Class 1336 focuses on Guided Missile Warheads And Explosive Components.

This classification is used to categorize and organize the various components and warheads used in guided missiles within the NATO military alliance. It includes explosive components such as detonators, fuses, boosters, and other related items that are essential for the functioning of guided missile warheads.

By having a specific supply class dedicated to guided missile warheads and explosive components, NATO ensures efficient management and logistics for these critical military assets. This classification system helps in the standardization of procurement, storage, and distribution processes among NATO member countries.

It is important to note that the NATO Supply Class 1336 is specifically designed for military purposes and is used within the NATO framework. It may not be applicable or relevant outside of the NATO alliance.

FSC 1336 Guided Missile Warheads and Explosive Components - United States (US)
FSC 1336 Guided Missile Warheads and Explosive Components - United States (US)

Includes Warheads Containing Military Chemical Agents; Exercise Heads, Guided Missile.

Excludes Atomic Ordnance Warheads; All other Warheads for use on other than guided missiles; Liquid Propulsion Units; Rocket Engines (Liquid Propellant Units); JATO Units; Rocket Motors (Solid Propellant Units) for Guided Missiles; Solid Fuel Propulsion Units; Propellant Chemicals encased in consumable containers, such as squibs and cartridges for insertion into missile propulsion systems as integral parts.

Note-Excluded from this group are items specially designed for nuclear ordnance application.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 1336 Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) for Federal Supply Class 1336

What is Federal Supply Class 1336?
FSC 1336 is the Federal Supply Class (formally known as NATO Supply Classification Class NSC 1336) in the USA for supply items codified in the category of Guided Missile Warheads and Explosive Components.
What is NATO Supply Classification Class 1336?
NSC 1336 is the NATO Supply Classification Class (also known as Federal Supply Class FSC 1336 in the USA) for supply items codified in the category of Guided Missile Warheads and Explosive Components.
Which Federal Supply Group is FSC 1336 in?
FSC 1336 is in Federal Supply Group (FSG) 13 which contains Ammunition and Explosives.
Which NATO Supply Classification Group is NSC 1336 in?
NSC 1336 is in NATO Supply Classification Group (NSG) 13 which contains Ammunition and Explosives.

Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 1336 Supply Items Included in Federal Supply Class 1336

What is a High Explosive Guided Missile Warhead Section? 105 Items
A High Explosive Guided Missile Warhead Section (WARHEAD SECTION,GUIDED MISSILE,HIGH EXPLOSIVE) is a warhead section containing a high explosive warhead, designed for attachment to a guided missile.
What is a Detonating Cord? 15 Items
A Detonating Cord (CORD,DETONATING) is an item consisting of a flexible tube containing a core of explosive. The tube may be overwrapped with alternating layers of fibrous yarn or fiberglass and a flexible plastic material, or the tube may be covered with a fibrous overbraid and inclosed in another tube. It is designed for transmitting a confined detonation wave.
What is an Electric Squib? 25 Items
An Electric Squib (SQUIB,ELECTRIC) is an item designed for electrical firing of burning type munitions or to initiate operation of jettisoning equipment and shearing devices, or as igniters for rockets or for setting equipment in motion where a small explosive device is required. It consists essentially of a tube containing a flammable material and a small charge of powder compressed around a fine resistance wire connected to electrical leads or terminals. Excludes CARTRIDGE, IMPULSE.
Fuze,Guided Missile 44 Items
What is a Guided Missile Safety And Arming Device? 62 Items
A Guided Missile Safety And Arming Device (SAFETY AND ARMING DEVICE,GUIDED MISSILE) is a mechanism which prevents or allows the warhead and/or propulsion unit train of explosives to operate. If the mechanism is designed for warhead and propulsion unit train of explosives, use FSC 1336.
What is a High Explosive Guided Missile Warhead? 89 Items
A High Explosive Guided Missile Warhead (WARHEAD,GUIDED MISSILE,HIGH EXPLOSIVE) is a warhead with a high explosive filler constituting the major payload, designed for attachment to a guided missile.
What is a Guided Missile Warhead Booster? 20 Items
A Guided Missile Warhead Booster (BOOSTER,GUIDED MISSILE WARHEAD) is a major element in the explosive train between a FUZE, GUIDED MISSILE and a WARHEAD, GUIDED MISSILE which will amplify the detonation wave when explosive loaded. When empty or inert loaded, it may be used for training purposes.
What is an Impulse Cartridge? 32 Items
An Impulse Cartridge (CARTRIDGE,IMPULSE) is an item consisting of a quantity of propellant and a means of activation inclosed in a container. It may contain an integral cutting punch. It is designed to be inserted into or attached to one or more devices to provide the energy required to operate a device not requiring a time delay in their operating sequence. It is used in devices, such as initiators, thrusters, cutters, and the like. For cartridges with a time delay see CARTRIDGE, DELAY.
What is a Guided Missile Initiation-Separation Explosive Kit? 14 Items
A Guided Missile Initiation-Separation Explosive Kit (EXPLOSIVE KIT,INITIATION-SEPARATION,GUIDED MISSILE) is a group of explosive and nonexplosive items specifically designed to be installed in a guided missile to effect initiation of rocket motors and/or separation of the stages.
What is a Linear Explosive Actuator? 19 Items
A Linear Explosive Actuator (ACTUATOR,EXPLOSIVE,LINEAR) is a self-contained power transmitting device designed to convert chemical energy into controlled mechanical force in the form of linear mechanical movement. It is comprised essentially of a piston, powder charge, electrical bridge wire and contacts inclosed in a housing.
What is an Explosive Bolt? 22 Items
An Explosive Bolt (BOLT,EXPLOSIVE) is an item specifically designed to contain a CARTRIDGE, EXPLOSIVE BOLT or an encapsulated explosive charge, or the like. When ignited the explosive furnishes the shock which causes the bolt to separate. May include connectors, bridge wires, or the like.
What is a Propellant Actuated Gas Pressure Generator? 31 Items
A Propellant Actuated Gas Pressure Generator (GENERATOR,GAS PRESSURE,PROPELLANT ACTUATED) is a device consisting of one or more cylinders and a propellant charge(s). The charge(s) may be contained in a removable cartridge. It may be initiated mechanically or initiated electrically, utilizing one or more electrical ignition elements. It is designed to produce a steady flow of gas of a determined volume at a specific pressure and temperature for a given length of time to spin turbines, inflate life rafts, operate pumps which supply hydraulic pressure to missile controls, eject a guided missile from its launching tube, and the like. It may also be used to actuate aircraft escape systems.
What is a Guided Missile Safety And Arming Device-Fuze? 11 Items
A Guided Missile Safety And Arming Device-Fuze (SAFETY AND ARMING DEVICE-FUZE,GUIDED MISSILE) is an item consisting of a SAFETY AND ARMING DEVICE, GUIDED MISSILE and a fuze, specifically designed to provide the safety and arming functions for a guided missile and/or fuzing of the missile in the event of malfunction of the safety and arming mechanism.
What is a Fuze Target Detecting Device? 38 Items
A Fuze Target Detecting Device (TARGET DETECTING DEVICE,FUZE) is an item consisting of an electronic sensing element which initiates the action of a fuze.
Warhead,Guided Missile,Practice 12 Items
Warhead Section,Guided Missile,Practice 13 Items
What is a Guided Missile Dummy Warhead? 15 Items
A Guided Missile Dummy Warhead (DUMMY WARHEAD,GUIDED MISSILE) is an inert item designed to be substituted for a tactical warhead. It conforms to the configuration of the legitimate warhead and is used for display purposes, testing, and training operations such as assembly, loading, handling, and dry-run operations.

Stock Items From Supply Class 1336 Stock Items From Supply Class 1336 Page 1 of 6

RNCC: 6 | RNVC: 9 | DAC: 9
RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 1 | MEDALS: Y | DAC: 5
RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: X
RNCC: 5 | RNVC: 1 | DAC: 5
RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: D
RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | MEDALS: Y | DAC: 1
RNCC: 6 | RNVC: 9 | DAC: 9
RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 1 | MEDALS: Y | DAC: 1