
Spotting Charge

1330142330696 142330696 6BB22RECHARGER0UGE 0024-13-301-6892 1330-542-0005 1330-14-345-6411

An ammunition component with explosive and/or pyrotechnic substances intended to produce sound, flash, or smoke effects. It is used in spotting and practices ammunition to show the location of its point of functioning or impact. View more Spotting Charge

1330-14-233-0696 CHARGE,SPOTTING 1330142330696 142330696

Managed by France
NSN Created on 1 Jan 1967
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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1330-14-233-0696 CHARGE,SPOTTING 1330142330696 142330696 1/1
NSN 1330-14-233-0696 (Generic Image) 1/1

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