
Tank Periscope Head Assembly

1240151171349 151171349 74-07948-DER.38 38731A10187A 190535020 T0064507 (241)A0199190534020 190534020

The top section of a PERISCOPE, TANK, consisting of an inclosure which contains one or more mirror(s), and/or prism(s), and a window. It is readily removable to facilitate replacement. View more Tank Periscope Head Assembly

1240-15-117-1349 HEAD ASSEMBLY,TANK PERISCOPE 1240151171349 151171349

Managed by Italy
NSN Created on 10 Aug 1993
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January 2023
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1240-15-117-1349 HEAD ASSEMBLY,TANK PERISCOPE 1240151171349 151171349 1/1
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