
Optical Element Spacer

1240144642972 144642972 683025324 6830-25324

A tubular shaped item designed to maintain a predetermined distance between optical elements, such as lenses, reticles, and the like. The bore may be straight, tapered or counterbored, and may have annular serrations to converge or diverge light rays. The surfaces, which mate with the optics, are usually chamfered, concave, and/or have a specified finish designation in the range of 1 to 125 microinches arithmetical average (AA). See also SPACER, SLEEVE and CELL, OPTICAL ELEMENT. View more Optical Element Spacer

1240-14-464-2972 SPACER,OPTICAL ELEMENT 1240144642972 144642972

Managed by France
NSN Created on 28 Jul 1993
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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1240-14-464-2972 SPACER,OPTICAL ELEMENT 1240144642972 144642972 1/1
NSN 1240-14-464-2972 (Generic Image) 1/1

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France (ZF)

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