
Optical Instrument Eyepiece Assembly

1240144606561 144606561 701-027

An optical system consisting of two or more lenses secured within a cylindrical sleeve. It is the component of an optical instrument nearest the eye of the observer when sighting. The distance between lenses is maintained by an optical element spacer. It usually has focusing facilities and may include a reticle, filter, and/or diopter scale. View more Optical Instrument Eyepiece Assembly

1240-14-460-6561 EYEPIECE ASSEMBLY,OPTICAL INSTRUMENT 1240144606561 144606561

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1240-14-460-6561 EYEPIECE ASSEMBLY,OPTICAL INSTRUMENT 1240144606561 144606561 1/1
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701-027 An optical system consisting of two or more lenses secured within a cylindrical sleeve.
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Optical Instrument Eyepiece Assembly 964-9276 1240-14-460-6561 Instrument Eyepiece Assembly www.nsnlookup.com
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