
Articulated Telescope

1240143303618 143303618 M406-00030

A telescope which is affixed to a weapon to provide viewing parallel to the direction of the gun bore line. It is designed with a rigidly held eyepiece and with movable sectional tubes connected by geared joints. The angles of reflective optical elements adjust automatically to provide a line of sight through the telescope as the gun tube is elevated or depressed. View more Articulated Telescope

1240-14-330-3618 TELESCOPE,ARTICULATED 1240143303618 143303618

Managed by France
NSN Created on 2 Jul 1975
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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1240-14-330-3618 TELESCOPE,ARTICULATED 1240143303618 143303618 1/1
NSN 1240-14-330-3618 (Generic Image) 1/1

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