
Weapon Controller Grip Assembly Adapter

1090171243397 171243397 A FABGL-KIT

An adapter which permits a GRIP ASSEMBLY, CONTROLLER, WEAPON to be used for various applications. View more Weapon Controller Grip Assembly Adapter

1090-17-124-3397 ADAPTER,GRIP ASSEMBLY,CONTROLLER,WEAPON 1090171243397 171243397

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NSN Created on 9 May 2012
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January 2023
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1090-17-124-3397 ADAPTER,GRIP ASSEMBLY,CONTROLLER,WEAPON 1090171243397 171243397 1/1
NSN 1090-17-124-3397 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Restrictions 1090-17-124-3397 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC
Feb 2002 1090-17-118-6604 Gun M61a1 Assembly 7791641SETRNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 21 Jun 2006 1090-17-124-3397
Assembly Adapter Controller Grip Assembly Adapter Assembly Adapter Related to 1290-01-477-0060 1090-17-124-3397
1090-14-469-3917 Controller Grip Assembly Adapter Stock Numbers Related to 1290-33-207-6339 1090-17-124-3397
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Controller Grip Assembly Adapter Assembly Adapter Assembly Adapter Related to 1290-01-477-0060 1090-17-124-3397
1090-14-469-3917 1090-14-534-3398 Assembly Adapter Stock Numbers Related to 1290-33-207-6339 1090-17-124-3397
Controller Grip Assembly Adapter Controller Grip Assembly Adapter Related to 1290-01-477-0060 1090-17-124-3397
207-4469 Weapon Controller Grip Assembly Adapter Assembly Adapter Related to 1290-01-477-0060 1090-17-124-3397
1090-14-469-3917 1090-14-534-3398 1090-23-114-3415 Assembly Adapter Related to 1290-14-476-0360 1090-17-124-3397
33-207-6339 Weapon Controller Grip Assembly Adapter Stock Numbers Related to 1290-33-207-6339 1090-17-124-3397

1090-17-124-3397 Demil Restrictions 1090-17-124-3397


1090-17-124-3397 is a Weapon Controller Grip Assembly Adapter

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Netherlands (ZN)

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