
Recoil Buffer Assembly

1005016861355 016861355 CF62343

An item consisting of a BUFFER, RECOIL MECHANISM and associated components required to absorb and check the recoil or counterrecoil force of a weapon when it is fired. View more Recoil Buffer Assembly

1005-01-686-1355 BUFFER ASSEMBLY,RECOIL 1005016861355 016861355

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 31 Jan 2020
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January 2023
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1005-01-686-1355 BUFFER ASSEMBLY,RECOIL 1005016861355 016861355 1/1
NSN 1005-01-686-1355 (Generic Image) 1/1

1005-01-686-1355 Stock and Availability Marketplace 1005-01-686-1355

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CF62343 An item consisting of a BUFFER, RECOIL MECHANISM and associated components required to absorb
United States (US) 4. 1005-01-686-1355 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
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Assembly 1010320777673,HAC 001 Assembly 1010270239725 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355
-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323 Assembly 1010270239732 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355
-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323 Assembly 1010270259135 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355
-27-023-9725 Recoil Buffer Assembly 1010270239725 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355
-27-023-9732 Recoil Buffer Assembly 1010270239732 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355
-27-025-9135 Recoil Buffer Assembly 1010270259135 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355
1005-01-552-1132 -489-0323 Assembly 1010270259135 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355
01-552-1132 1010190025665,1121308 526-0533 1010-43-000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355
-01-552-1132 Recoil Buffer Assembly 1010270239732 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355
522-0772 1005-00-726-6820 1005-37-526-0533 1010-43-000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355

1005-01-686-1355 Demil Restrictions 1005-01-686-1355


1005-01-686-1355 is a Recoil Buffer Assembly that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. This item has been confirmed as a Critical Munitions List Item or a Sensitive Commerce Control List Item and cannot be in the possession of any party anywhere in the World who is not an authorized NATO Government. Any other possessor of this item should mutilate it now as possession violates international and local laws. This item is a US Munitions List Item and must be mutilated to scrap. This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.

1005-01-686-1355 HTS and ScheduleB Import and Export 1005-01-686-1355

1005-01-686-1355 Manufacturers Approved Sources 1005-01-686-1355

1005-01-686-1355 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 1005-01-686-1355