Recoil Buffer Assembly
1005014890323 014890323 12993619
An item consisting of a BUFFER, RECOIL MECHANISM and associated components required to absorb and check the recoil or counterrecoil force of a weapon when it is fired. View more Recoil Buffer Assembly
Managed by United States
NSN Created on 10 Sep 2001
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November 2023
November 2023
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Marketplace 1005-01-489-0323
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Related Documents 1005-01-489-0323 5+ Documents (More...)
12993619 An item consisting of a BUFFER, RECOIL MECHANISM and associated components required to absorb
United States (US) 4. 1005-01-489-0323 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
Request a Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Updated Every Day 1005-01-489-0323
United States (US) 4. 1005-01-489-0323 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
Request a Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Updated Every Day 1005-01-489-0323
Documents 1005-01-686-1355 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-10/fsc-1005/us 1005-01-489-0323
Recoil Buffer Assembly 1005014890323 Assembly 1010320777673,HAC 001 Assembly 1010270239725 000-
6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355 -552-1132 1005-01-489-0323 Assembly 1010270239732
Recoil Buffer Assembly 1005014890323 Assembly 1010320777673,HAC 001 Assembly 1010270239725 000-
6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355 -552-1132 1005-01-489-0323 Assembly 1010270239732
Documents 1005-01-609-9773 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-10/fsc-1005/us 1005-01-489-0323
Recoil Buffer Assembly 1005014890323 Recoil Buffer Assembly 1010320777673,HAC 001 Assembly 1010270239725
000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 -686-1355 1005-01-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323 Assembly 1010270239732
Recoil Buffer Assembly 1005014890323 Recoil Buffer Assembly 1010320777673,HAC 001 Assembly 1010270239725
000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 -686-1355 1005-01-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323 Assembly 1010270239732
Assembly 1010270239725 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355 1005-01-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323
Assembly 1010270239732 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355 1005-01-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323
Assembly 1010270259135 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355 1005-01-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323
Assembly 1010270239732 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355 1005-01-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323
Assembly 1010270259135 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355 1005-01-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323
Documents 1005-01-552-1132 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-10/fsc-1005/us 1005-01-489-0323
Recoil Buffer Assembly 1005014890323 -489-0323 Assembly 1010270239732 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138
526-0533 1010-43-000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355 1005-01-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323
Recoil Buffer Assembly 1005014890323 -489-0323 Assembly 1010270239732 000-6131 1005-01-231-3138
526-0533 1010-43-000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355 1005-01-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323
Restrictions 1005-01-489-0323
1005-01-489-0323 is a Recoil Buffer Assembly Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is a US Munitions List or Commerce Control List Item which must be destroyed to prevent restoration or repair. Only authorized parties may possess this item. This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.
Approved Sources 1005-01-489-0323
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- 12993619
- Manufacturer
- 19200 - Combat Capabilities Development (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 1005-01-489-0323
1005-37-520-1458 1005-20-006-7755 1005-01-480-1234 1005-01-614-3166 1005-00-550-3941 1005-34-041-1380 1005-20-006-1169 1010-01-569-3042 1005-01-522-0772 1005-00-726-6820 1005-37-526-0533 1010-43-000-6131 1005-01-231-3138 1005-01-609-9773 1005-01-686-1355 1005-01-552-1132 1005-01-489-0323 1010-32-077-7673