
Breech Bolt

1005142304418 142304418 15F41

A mechanism which closes the breech in a carbine, machine gun, rifle, and the like. It is designed to push a cartridge into the chamber of a gun by sliding action. It may contain the ejector, extractor, and/or firing pin. Excludes BOLT, AUTOMATIC WEAPON. View more Breech Bolt

1005-14-230-4418 BOLT,BREECH 1005142304418 142304418

Managed by France
NSN Created on 1 Jan 1967
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July 2023
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NSN 1005-14-230-4418 (Generic Image) 1/1

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day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5945-01-604-6221Electromagnetic Relay5945016046221 016046221 VFMA-15F41
-S01 VFM-15F41-S01 A relay which is actuated by the effect of a magnetic field developed by the current
-S01VFM-15F41-S01 A relay which is actuated by the effect of a magnetic field developed by United States

1005-14-230-4418 Demil Restrictions 1005-14-230-4418


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France (ZF)

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