
Cartridge Extractor

1005331023156 331023156 201366

A device in the breech mechanism of a gun, rifle, grenade launcher, or the like for (1) pulling an empty cartridge case or an unfired cartridge out of the chamber of the weapon, or (2) extracting a cartridge from a belt and positioning it for insertion into the chamber. View more Cartridge Extractor

1005-33-102-3156 EXTRACTOR,CARTRIDGE 1005331023156 331023156

Managed by Spain
NSN Created on 6 Aug 1992
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1005-33-102-3156 EXTRACTOR,CARTRIDGE 1005331023156 331023156 1/1
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1005-33-102-3156 Demil Restrictions 1005-33-102-3156


1005-33-102-3156 is a Cartridge Extractor

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