TM-9-1240-216-34 Maintenance Manual M19 and M24 Persicope Download

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TM 9-1240-216-34 1-5. SAMPLE FAULT ISOLATION PROCEDURE (CONT) Callouts Description Index numbers are found in the procedures and the illustration to help you find the connector, switch, knob, etc. The illustration will always be on the same or an opposite page, Remember, you will never have to turn the page to find the illustration. This tells you where you came from, For example 2,03 means you came from sheet 2, block 03. The top part of the box tells you what to do, The bottom parts tells you how to do it. After you become more skilled at troubleshooting and know more about the equipment, you may find that you only need to read the top part of the box. This diamond shaped box is called a decision point, It asks you to answer a YES or NO question after doing the what-to-do statement. If the answer is YES, you should keep going down the YES branch, If the answer is NO, you should keep going down the NO branch. Para 1-5 Cont 1-5 Vol I