TB-9-2350-277-40&P-1 M121 M1064A3 Crew Modification Kit Volume 1 Download

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TB 9-2350-277-40&P-1 INTRODUCTION – Continued 0001 00 0001 00-4 b. Ensure all kit parts are available prior to installation. See WP 0014 00 for a list of kit parts. Inspect all kit parts for signs of cracking or distortion of the supports and brackets, damaged cables, and missing hardware. c. After kit installation, ensure all kit components are mounted securely. Inspect new cables to ensure they are securely clamped and tied to the existing cables and will not be pinched or damaged during carrier operation. 14. Tools and Equipment. a. Commonly used tools and equipment having application to sustainment maintenance, in general, furnished by the maintenance activity/contractor. See WP 0011 00. b. Special tools. See WP 0011 00. c. Fabricated tools. See WP 0012 00. 15. Recording and reporting of the installation. a. Reporting requirements. Refer to AR 750-10/DA Pamphlet 750-8. b. Marking equipment. No marking of equipment or vehicle is required. 16. Material change (MC) number. Not applicable. END OF WORK PACKAGE