TM-9-2320-387-24 HMMWV Direct Support & General Support Maintenance Manual Volume 1 Download

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TM 9-2320-387-24-l USING YOUR MANUAL: AN EXAMPLE a. TASKz The operator of an ECV vehicle has complained that his carrier uses too much engine oil. The vehicle has been assigned to you for repair. b. TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS: L Look at the cover of this manual. You’ll see chapter titles listed from top to bottom on the right-hand side. 2. Look at the right edge of the manual. On some of the pages you’ll see black bars (bleed-to-edge indicators) that are aligned with the chapter bars on the cover. These are the locations of the chapters in the text. ARMY TM 9-2320-387-24-1 VolumeNo. 1 AIR FORCETO 36A12-l A-3052-l TECHNICAL MANUAL UNIT, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND ciE~~w SUPPORT ~~J~WIPFJANCE FOR TRUCK, UWl-t 5250 SHELTER CARRIER,4X4,Mll,3 12320-01-4124141] fEr:B.58] bW.dCWUZd8W- i- HFADQUARTERS. DEPARTMENTS OF THE AR!! AND THE AIR FORCE 3. Look for SERVICE AND TROUBLESHOOTING INSTRUCTIONS in the chapter list on the cover. This is where the troubleshooting information is located. 4. Turn to those pages with the edge indicator matching the black bar for service and troubleshooting instructions. Page numbers are also listed next to chapter titles. 5. Chapter 2 is divided into five sections: l Section I - Repair Parts, Special Tools, TMDE, and Support Equipment l Section II - Service Upon Receipt l Section III - PMCS l Section IV - General Maintenance Instructions l Section V - Electrical/Mechanical Systems Troubleshooting ... VIII