MOS-94P Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Repairer M142 HIMARS Download

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Table 1-1. Relationship of Battle-focused Training and STP BATTLE-FOCUS PROCESS STP SUPPORT PROCESS Select supporting soldier tasks Use TG to relate tasks to METL Conduct training assessment Use TG to define what soldier tasks to assess Determine training objectives Use TG to set objectives Determine strategy; plan for training Use TG to relate soldier tasks to strategy Conduct pre-execution checks Use SM task summary as source for task performance Execute training; conduct after action review Use SM task summary as source for task performance Evaluate training against established standards Use SM task summary as standard for evaluation 1.4 Task Summary Format Task summaries outline the wartime performance requirements of each critical task in the SM. They provide the soldier and the trainer with the information necessary to prepare, conduct, and evaluate critical task training. As a minimum, task summaries include information the soldier must know and the skills that he must perform to standards for each task. The format of the task summaries included in this SM is as follows: a. Task Title. The task title identifies the action to be performed. b. Task Number. A 10-digit number identifies each task or skill. This task number, along with the task title, must be included in any correspondence pertaining to the task. c. Conditions. The task conditions identify all the equipment, tools, references, job aids, and supporting personnel that the soldier needs to use to perform the task in wartime. This section identifies any environmental conditions that can alter task performance, such as visibility, temperature, or wind. This section also identifies any specific cues or events that trigger task performance, such as a chemical attack or identification of a threat vehicle. d. Standards. The task standards describe how well and to what level the task must be performed under wartime conditions. Standards are typically described in terms of accuracy, completeness, and speed. e. Performance Steps. This section includes a detailed outline of information on how to perform the task. Additionally, some task summaries include safety statements and notes. Safety statements (danger, warning, and caution) alert users to 1-8 1 October 2014