FM-3-81 Maneuver Enhancement Brigade Download

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Chapter 1 1-8 FM 3-81 09 November 2021 1-34. Commanders designate close, support, deep, and rear areas as required. They designate a deep area and rear area as required. The MEB primarily conducts operations in support of decisive action in the commander’s designated support area. Figure 1-4 depicts MEB support to a corps AO (organized into deep, close, support, and rear areas) within a theater of operations. The close area is the portion of a commander’s area of operations where the majority of subordinate maneuver forces conduct close combat (ADP 3-0). The support area is the portion of the commander’s area of operations that is designated to facilitate the positioning, employment, and protection of base sustainment assets required to sustain, enable, and control operations (ADP 3-0). A deep area is where the commander sets conditions for future success in close combat (ADP 3-0). The rear area is that area within a unit AO that extends forward from its rear boundary to the rear boundary of the area assigned to the next lower level of command. It is an area of operations in which most forces and assets are located that supports and sustains forces in the close area. Legend: CA civil affairs EOD explosive ordnance disposal ESC expeditionary sustainment command MP military police MI military intelligence SUST sustainment Figure 1-4. Notional MEB support to a corps 1-35. There are fundamental principles that are common to all support areas. Support areas may be designated by any Army echelon or by operational necessity, but they are usually associated with organizations that are capable of synchronizing and integrating continuing activities necessary to control terrain. A joint force would designate a JSA. Support area operations are conducted by the assigned area owner and tenants to prevent or minimize interference with command and control and SPO and to provide unimpeded movement of friendly forces; protection; operations to find, fix, and destroy enemy forces or defeat threats; and area damage control. Corps and divisions may have one or multiple support areas, located as required to best support the force. These areas may be noncontiguous.