FM-3-09 Fire Support and Field Artillery Operations Download

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Introduction viii FM 3-09 30 April 2020 Chapter 1 Covers an overview of the foundations of FS. Chapter 1 begins by defining FS, describes the characteristics of FS, and defines the FS system and FS functions. Chapter 2 Covers the components of the FS system, this includes FS command and control, target acquisition, and attack/delivery systems. Chapter 3 Covers FS and the operations process. It describes the basic FS functions it also covers FS planning, FS planning principles, and FS and the military decision-making process (MDMP). Chapter 4 Covers the role of the FA, command and support relationships, FA inherent responsibilities, the key considerations for FA employment, and fire direction. Chapter 5 Covers FS in operations to shape and prevent. Chapter 6 Covers FS in large-scale ground combat operations. Describes general fire support considerations, provides tactics for fire support for the defense, addresses tactics for fire support for the offense, and covers enabling, stability and reconstitution operations. Appendix A Covers the development of essential FS and FA Tasks. Appendix B Covers fire support coordination measures (FSCMs) to include permissive, and restrictive, coordination measures. Appendix C Covers denied, degraded and disrupted operations to include types of conditions, and the five requirement for accurate predicted fire during these operations. Appendix D Covers environmental considerations for FS and FA. NEW, RESCINDED, AND MODIFIED TERMS. FM 3-09 becomes the proponent of Army terms, introduces new army terms and modifies the following Army terms. See introductory table 1. See introductory table 2 for new, modified and rescinded terms. Introductory Table 1. New, modified, and rescinded terms Term Remarks altitude Modified/FM 3-09 becomes proponent artillery target intelligence zone Modified/FM 3-09 becomes proponent attack guidance matrix Modified/FM 3-09 becomes proponent call for fire Modified call for fire zone Modified censor zone Modified common sensor boundary Modified counterbattery fire New counterpreparation fire New critical friendly zone Modified defensive fires New fire support New Army definition fire support coordinator Modified fire support element New fire support officer Modified fire support plan Modified