ATP-4-90 Brigade Support Battalion Download

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Brigade Support Battalion and the Operational Environment 18 June 2020 1-11 historical data, current/future logistics posture, mobility data, logistics information systems, and commander’s guidance into the development of the sustainment plan. The BSB SPO is responsible for executing the distribution management process to ensure timely and accurate distribution of supplies, to include class VIII, and replacement personnel to supported units. The distribution management process includes materiel management, distribution integration, and transportation operations. The SPO designates personnel in the SPO to perform the functions associated with distribution management. Detailed information on the distribution management process is found in chapter 4. The SPO normally develops a sustainment synchronization matrix to graphically display which support functions are executed when and where during a mission. A typical synchronization matrix displays support functions along the x-axis with time of support displayed along the y-axis. Within the matrix, each block contains unit identification and unit eight-digit map grid coordinate to correspond with a function and a time. This matrix ensures all sustainment functions to be executed and units to be supported (including time and location) during a mission are accounted for. It identifies support conflicts if they exist. The synchronization may be provided to the BCT S-4 for inclusion in annex F of the BCT operation order. The BSB S-3 includes the synchronization matric as a tab to annex C, Operations, of the BSB operation order. The BSB SPO section uses the logistic status reports and running estimates to update the synchronization matrix for future operations. The BSB SPO is the key interface between supported units and the division sustainment brigade. The SPO is responsible for coordinating additional BCT support requirements identified by the BCT S-4 with the division sustainment brigade SPO. While the BCT S-3 and S-4 request support through the division, the SPO sections of the BSB, DSSB, and DSB perform lateral coordination to plan, prepare, and synchronize additional support requirements. Additionally, the SPO interfaces and coordinates with the supporting brigade logistics support element for technical equipment and supply assistance. The SPO section performs sustainment preparation of the OE. The section provides the status of tracked systems and materiel as required to update the BSB logistics status report and running estimates. Materiel includes all items necessary to equip, operate, maintain, and support military activities without distinction as to its application for administrative or combat purposes (JP 4-0). The BSB SPO convenes brigade logistics synchronization meetings when mission variables allow. Attendees include, at a minimum, the BCT XO, BCT S-4, FSC commanders, BSB SPO section, medical planners, battalion physician assistants, support and maneuver battalion S-4s, and representatives from the Army field support battalion as well as any supporting sustainment echelon above brigade coordinating staff. Attendees consider calendars, unit battle rhythms, current orders, logistics reports, sustainment synchronization matrix, commander’s guidance, and other pertinent information. Meeting products include warning orders, SPO guidance, and updated calendars, synchronization matrices, and logistics posture and status. Sustainment Automation Support Management Office The SASMO has the primary responsibility of providing logisticians the ability to perform automated logistics tasks on both the tactical sustainment information systems network by configuring the Combat Service Support – VSAT and Combat Service Support Automated Information System Interface (CAISI). The SASMO performs sustainment information systems network configuration and communication support that includes, but is not limited to, supervising tactical local area network and enforcement of network security services. The Combat Service Support - VSAT, CAISI, and client workstations are organic assets of the unit. The section is the of network administrator of the tactical VSAT and wireless CAISI network. The SASMO reviews and recommends placement of CAISI and Combat Service Support - VSAT systems throughout the brigade to ensure both man-made and terrain obstacles do not interfere with the CAISI line of sight connectivity. The placement of CAISI systems to extend the logistics network is similar to the placement of radio retransition stations to extend the radio network. The SASMO will configure the network as mission variables dictate. The SASMO plans, prepares, executes, and sustains the tactical sustainment information systems network to meet the challenges in all environments. The SASMO is not responsible for equipment inventory, ATP 4-90