ATP-3-09-90 Division Artillery Operations and Fire Support Download

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Division Artillery ATP 3-09.90 1-13 provides guidance in the form of commander’s intent, mission statements, and commander’s critical information requirements to the DIVARTY staff and allocated subordinate unit commanders. The DIVARTY commander: Executes missions assigned to the DIVARTY by higher headquarters. Determines specified and implied tasks for the DIVARTY based on the division or other higher headquarters concept of operations, concept of fire support, and other guidance in the operation plan (OPLAN) or operation order (OPORD). Recommends allocation of fires, assignment of command and support relationships, and positioning of surveillance, reconnaissance, and TA. Advises the division commander on DIVARTY capabilities required to support committed BCTs engaged in the current battle. Expedites processing of immediate requests for fire support. Verifies fires mensuration credentials. Oversees DIVARTY participation in division targeting. Provides mission command of the DIVARTY and its subordinate organic, assigned, and attached units and as designated by the higher headquarters. Assesses combat readiness of DIVARTY subordinate organic, assigned, and attached units. Conducts the division fire support rehearsals. Issues commander's critical information requirements. Approves DIVARTY plans and orders. Participates in the targeting board. Oversees the training and integration of the division JAGIC fire support personnel. Oversees the training and integration of the division ADA personnel. 1-58. The DIVARTY commander as the FSCOORD translates the division commander’s guidance for fires into clear and concise fire support tasks. Fires are the use of weapons systems or other actions to create specific lethal or nonlethal effects on a target (JP 3-09). As the FSCOORD for the division, the DIVARTY commander is the primary advisor to the division commander on all aspects of the fires warfighting function. The division commander may also direct the DIVARTY commander to assist BCT commanders in training and preparing FA battalions. The DIVARTY commander should work closely with the BCT commander in order to effectively manage the training and certifications of the BCT FA battalion. The DIVARTY commander contributes to the mentorship of FA battalion commanders in the execution of their duties and provide technical oversight in support of the BCT commander. 1-59. As the senior FA officer in the division, the DIVARTY commander has a responsibility to provide the subject matter expertise on FA training and certification of all FA units assigned to the division, including those BCT or separate FA battalions which may be assigned or attached to the division. In order to accomplish this responsibility the DIVARTY commander standardizes the certification of all FA units in the division. The certification should be based on the artillery tables located in TC 3-09.8. This standardization provides a common construct that enables training, fires unit certification and leader development while exemplifying effective mission command, and supporting a seamless cross-attachment of units with common procedures and shared understanding. The DIVARTY commander provides guidance and mentorship for FA training across the division. The DIVARTY commander must work closely with the BCT commanders. DIVARTY COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR 1-60. The DIVARTY command sergeant major is the senior enlisted advisor to the DIVARTY commander. The command sergeant major is both a specialist and a generalist who must have technical competence as a field artilleryman while being broadly knowledgeable in all functional areas such as operations, administration, and sustainment. The DIVARTY command sergeant major best serves as an extension of the DIVARTY commander and works closely with each of the DIVARTY staff sections. The DIVARTY command sergeant major has specific responsibilities, which may include: Assists the DIVARTY commander in maintaining effective communication with senior and subordinate leaders and staffs. 12 October 2017