ATP-3-09-24 The Field Artillery Brigade Download

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Chapter 1 1-14 ATP 3-09.24 30 March 2022 1-52. Duties and responsibilities of the FAB commander/FSCOORD include: Execute missions assigned to the FAB by higher HQ. Determine specified and implied tasks for the FAB based on the higher HQ concept of operations, scheme of FS, and other guidance in the operation plan (OPLAN) or operation order (OPORD). Plan and recommend FAB employment in support of higher HQ operations. Recommend the allocation of fires, assignment of command and support relationships, and positioning of target acquisition, attack, and sustainment assets. Ensure FAB subordinate units are properly task organized and deployed to execute fires for the higher or supported command operations. Oversee FAB participation in the higher or supported HQ targeting, to include joint targeting when commanded by or supporting a joint HQ. Assess combat readiness of FAB subordinate organic, assigned, and attached units. Direct mission preparations to include rehearsals. Issue commander's critical information requirements. Approve FAB plans and orders. EXECUTIVE OFFICER 1-53. The XO serves as the second-in-command. The XO’s responsibilities and authority vary based on the commander's desires, the FAB's mission, and the scope and complexity of operations. The FAB commander delegates responsibility to the XO for specific areas or functions. 1-54. By giving the XO the authority needed to control these areas and functions, the FAB commander extends the span of control. Key XO considerations include: Chairs key boards, and working groups. Sustainment readiness and recommends to the commander required changes to sustainment support. Serves as the commander's representative for negotiations, media activities, and designated key leader engagements. Enables the brigade operations staff officer to focus on the overall integration and synchronization of current operations. The XO can do this by providing increased senior leader involvement in the planning of future operations. Serves as necessary as a temporary liaison officer to unified action agencies and multinational staff or command groups when and where METT-TC conditions dictate. Manages the commander's critical information requirements. Ensures FAB actions are horizontally and vertically integrated among the FAB CP, higher HQ, and subordinate, supported, and supporting elements. Determines liaison requirements and supervises liaison officers. Ensures quality of work from staff officers and sections, cells, or elements, and ensure cross talk throughout assess, plan, prepare, and execute phases. Synchronizes the FAB staff during the military decision-making process (MDMP). Establishes and maintains staff planning timelines. Integrates target acquisition, fires and synchronizes information operations within targeting and with the MDMP. Integrates attached units in accordance with the higher HQ and FAB plan. Disseminate the commander's guidance and directives. Ensures staff members communicate with counterparts at higher, subordinate, supported, supporting, and adjacent elements. Manages the flow of information within the FAB. Assess combat readiness of subordinate units after mission completion. Oversee maintaining running staff estimates from the brigade staff.