ATP-3-09-12 Field Artillery Counterfire and Weapons Locating Radar Operations Download

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Chapter 1 1-2 ATP 3-09.12 26 October 2021 Figure 1-1. Targeting Methodology DECIDE 1-5. The decide function is the most important and requires close interaction between the commander and the intelligence, plans, operations, fire support element (FSE), and servicing judge advocate. The staff officers must clearly understand the following: Unit mission. Commander’s intent. Commander’s planning guidance. Friendly assets and capabilities. Threat capabilities. Threat vulnerabilities. Rules of engagement. 1-6. With this information, the staff officers can prepare their respective running estimates. From the standpoint of targetingthe FS, intelligence, information related capabilities, and operations estimates are interrelated and closely coordinated among each cell. Key staff products include target value analysis and the intelligence estimate from the targeting and intelligence officers. War gaming allows the fire support coordinator (FSCOORD) or fire support officer (FSO) to develop the decide function products. DETECT 1-7. The detect function is conducted during the execution of the operation order (OPORD). Target acquisition (TA) assets gather information and report their findings back to their controlling headquarters (HQ), which in turn pass pertinent information to the tasking agency. Some collection assets provide actual targets, while other assets must have their information processed to produce valid targets. Not all of the information reported would benefit the targeting effort, but it may be valuable to the development of the