TM-9-2320-365-34-1 LMTV Direct Maintenance Manual M1078 Series - Volume 1 Download
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TM 9-2320-365-34-1 WARNING SUMMARY (CONT) WARNING Adhesives, solvents, and sealing compounds can burn easily, can give off harmful vapors, and are harmful to skin and clothing. Keep away from open fire and use in a well-ventilated area. If adhesive, solvent, or sealing compound gets on skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water. Failure to comply may result in injury to personnel. WARNING • Dry Cleaning Solvent (P-D-680) is TOXIC and flammable. Wear protective goggles and gloves; use only in well ventilated area; avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes, and do not breathe vapors. Keep away from heat or flame. Never smoke when using solvent; the flashpoint for Type I Dry Cleaning Solvent is 100 ° F (38 ° C) and for Type II is 130 ° F (50 ° C). Failure to comply may result in serious injury or death to personnel. • If personnel become dizzy while using dry cleaning solvent, immediately get fresh air and medical help. If solvent contacts skin or clothes, flush with cold water. If solvent contacts eyes, immediately flush eyes with water and get immediate medical attention. Failure to comply may result in injury to personnel. WARNING Diesel fuel is flammable. If fuel is spilled, clean it up immediately. Failure to comply may result in serious injury or death to personnel. WARNING After Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical (NBC) exposure of vehicle, all air filters shall be handled with extreme caution. Unprotected personnel may experience serious injury or death if residual toxic agents or radioactive material are present. If vehicle is exposed to chemical or biological agents, servicing personnel shall wear protective mask, hood, protective overgarments, and chemical protective gloves and boots in accordance with FM-3-4. All contaminated air filters shall be placed in double-lined plastic bags and moved swiftly to a segregation area away from the worksite. The same procedure applies for radioactive dust contamination. The Company NBC team should measure radiation prior to filter removal to determine extent of safety procedures required per the NBC Annex to the unit Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The segregation area in which the contaminated air filters are temporarily stored shall be marked with appropriate NBC placards. Final disposal of contaminated air filters shall be in accordance with local SOP. Decontamination operation shall be in accordance with FM-3-5 and local SOP. Failure to comply may result in serious injury or death to personnel. b