Long Oil Heat Inc

CAGE Code: 5V8V2

NCAGE Code: 5V8V2

Status: Active

Type: Commercial Supplier

Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS): 002618791


Long Oil Heat Inc is an Active Commercial Supplier with the Cage Code 5V8V2 and is tracked by Dun & Bradstreet under DUNS Number 002618791..


2880 Curry Rd
Schenectady NY 12303-3463
United States

Points of Contact


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CAGE Code FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for CAGE 5V8V2

What is CAGE Code 5V8V2?
5V8V2 is the unique identifier used by NATO Organizations to reference the physical entity known as Long Oil Heat Inc located at 2880 Curry Rd, Schenectady NY 12303-3463, United States.
Who is CAGE Code 5V8V2?
5V8V2 refers to Long Oil Heat Inc located at 2880 Curry Rd, Schenectady NY 12303-3463, United States.
Where is CAGE Code 5V8V2 Located?
CAGE Code 5V8V2 is located in Schenectady, NY, USA.

Contracting History for CAGE 5V8V2 Contracting History for CAGE 5V8V2 Most Recent 25 Records

6500 Gallons Of Heating Oil For Building 145
4 Aug 2023
W6qk Acc Wva
Department Of Defense (Dod)
6,500 Gl - Fuel Oil, Burner
11 Feb 2020
Usa Watervliet Arsenal
Department Of Defense (Dod)
6,500 Gl Propane, Liquid Used On The Wva
23 Mar 2019
Usa Watervliet Arsenal
Department Of Defense (Dod)
6,500 Gallons Propane, Liquid Used On The Wva
12 Aug 2020
W6qk Acc Wva
Department Of Defense (Dod)
Modification To Extend Period Of Performance.
18 Oct 2021
Usa Watervliet Arsenal
Department Of Defense (Dod)
Mava - Heating Oil&Kerosene Delivery
7 Dec 2017
Ner Supply Mabo(45000)
Department Of The Interior (Doi)
Fsc: 6830 Name: Propane, Liquid Annual Delivery
9 Feb 2023
W6qk Acc Wva
Department Of Defense (Dod)
Modification To Increase The Quantity And Period Of Performance End Date.
18 Jan 2022
Usa Watervliet Arsenal
Department Of Defense (Dod)
6500 Gl Propane, Liquid
16 Nov 2021
W6qk Acc Wva
Department Of Defense (Dod)