Precision Aviation Group, Inc
Div Pai

CAGE Code: 1J6T6

NCAGE Code: 1J6T6

Status: Active

Type: Commercial Supplier

Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS): 041681714

CAGE 1J6T6 Precision Aviation Group, Inc Div Pai
CAGE 1J6T6 Precision Aviation Group, Inc


Precision Aviation Group, Inc, Div Pai is an Active Commercial Supplier with the Cage Code 1J6T6 and is tracked by Dun & Bradstreet under DUNS Number 041681714..


495 Lake Mirror Rd Bldg 800
Atlanta GA 30349-6058
United States

Points of Contact

Precision Aviation Group, Inc

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CAGE Code FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for CAGE 1J6T6

What is CAGE Code 1J6T6?
1J6T6 is the unique identifier used by NATO Organizations to reference the physical entity known as Precision Aviation Group, Inc Div Pai located at 495 Lake Mirror Rd Bldg 800, Atlanta GA 30349-6058, United States.
Who is CAGE Code 1J6T6?
1J6T6 refers to Precision Aviation Group, Inc Div Pai located at 495 Lake Mirror Rd Bldg 800, Atlanta GA 30349-6058, United States.
Where is CAGE Code 1J6T6 Located?
CAGE Code 1J6T6 is located in Atlanta, GA, USA.
How Many NSNs Does CAGE Code 1J6T6 Supply?
CAGE Code 1J6T6 has been assigned as an approved source for 2 NSNs (National Stock Numbers and NATO Stock Numbers).

Contracting History for CAGE 1J6T6 Contracting History for CAGE 1J6T6 Most Recent 25 Records

Repair Of The Attitude Indicator Used On The Th-1H Helicopter.
19 Dec 2018
Fa8524 Afsc Pzaaa
Department Of Defense (Dod)
Tear Down, Test/Evaluation (Tt&E)
31 Oct 2018
Navsup Flt Log Ctr Jacksonville
Department Of Defense (Dod)
Repair Of The Attitude Indicator Used On The Th-1H Helicopter.
1 Mar 2018
Fa8524 Afsc Pzaaa
Department Of Defense (Dod)
T-6 Nose Starter Generator Repairs
28 Feb 2020
Navsup Flt Log Ctr Jacksonville
Department Of Defense (Dod)
Repair 5 Ea Flight Data Acquisition Unit P/N 2243500-36
12 Feb 2021
6973Gh Franchise Acquisition Svcs
Department Of Transportation (Dot)
Ilm Ro-Okc-7335-044934 And Ilm Ro-Okc-7335-044935 (Priority 1) Repair 2Ea Flight Data Acquisition Units P/N: 2243500-36, S/N: Bb00013 And Bb00014
4 Jan 2018
Department Of Transportation (Dot)
Igf::Ot::Igf Repair Of The Attitude Indicator Used On The Th-1H Helicopter.
5 Sep 2017
Fa8524 Afsc Pzaaa
Department Of Defense (Dod)
Aog Part Repair For N84 Aircraft Serial Number Ff-19 P/N 066-50037-0101 Receiver, Vor/Ils Inspection Serial Number's; Rna34bf-01051, Rna34bf-01070, Rna34bf-01081, Rna34bf-01078, Rna34bf-01052 Ship Fed-Ex 1St Am, Account #286662420
22 Sep 2023
6973Gh Franchise Acquisition Svcs
Department Of Transportation (Dot)
6 Apr 2019
Navsup Flt Log Ctr Jacksonville
Department Of Defense (Dod)

NSN by CAGE Code Supply Items Approved for CAGE 1J6T6 Page 1 of 1

RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4
RNCC: 5 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4
RNCC: 5 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: E