I. B. Abel, Inc.

CAGE Code: 0TB12

NCAGE Code: 0TB12

Status: Active

Type: Commercial Supplier

Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS): 002866630

CAGE 0TB12 I. B. Abel, Inc.
CAGE 0TB12 I. B. Abel, Inc.


I. B. Abel, Inc. is an Active Commercial Supplier with the Cage Code 0TB12 and is tracked by Dun & Bradstreet under DUNS Number 002866630..


2745 Black Bridge Rd
York PA 17406-7920
United States

Points of Contact

I. B. Abel, Inc. http://www.ib-abel.com/

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CAGE Code FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for CAGE 0TB12

What is CAGE Code 0TB12?
0TB12 is the unique identifier used by NATO Organizations to reference the physical entity known as I. B. Abel, Inc. located at 2745 Black Bridge Rd, York PA 17406-7920, United States.
Who is CAGE Code 0TB12?
0TB12 refers to I. B. Abel, Inc. located at 2745 Black Bridge Rd, York PA 17406-7920, United States.
Where is CAGE Code 0TB12 Located?
CAGE Code 0TB12 is located in York, PA, USA.

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